...cdwhon011...january 2007
Eric Cordier's Breizhiselad is CD of the week at aQuarius records, San Francisco (list #257, 19 Jan 2007).
...web...december 2006
Pierre Berthet's website is now online here
...mp3...july 2006
Defrost take 1
by ß-seed was chosen as "mp3 of the day" (july, the 7th), on
tonspion mp3 Musikmagazin.
...cdwhon011...april 2006
...cdwhon012...april 2006
erewhon finally released Eric Cordier's Breizhiselad and aare am marzilibad by m.holterbach.
2004-2005' news
...installation...july 2005
A permanent installation by Pierre Berthet and
Patrick Delges can be visited in Neerpelt (B).
More informations can be found at musica.be.
...mp3...april 2005
New material from erewhon's citizen: bitstream conversion 0.2.
...mail...december 2004
erewhon changed its postal address, please check the contact page.
...mp3...june 2004
A short mp3 by Pierre Berthet has been uploaded.
...shop...february 2004
our releases are now available thru radiantslab's shop.
2003' news
...mail...november 2003
erewhon has now a new email address, please forget the previous one, on angelfire.com, and visit our contact page.
...installation-performance...october 2003
Pierre Berthet and Patrick Delges are invited to build an installation and do a short performance at the Happy New Ears festival in Kortrijk (B).
...installation...june 2003
This summer, Pierre Berthet will do some installations in Reims, Epernay and in the gardens of Barbirey during the french "entre cour et jardins" festival.
More detailed informations should be available here.
...live...may 2003
Pierre Berthet is involved in a new project called Forêt, désir en vue with a.o. Michael Vorfeld and Kamel Maad.
Some performances are scheduled at the musique action festival.
...surreal...march 2003
Surrealsound's compilation is out now, featuring a track by sRg and one by ß-seed.
Details and ordering information are available here.
2002' news
...live...august 2002
Pierre Berthet will play at Limelight's Secret Garden in Kortrijk (B) from august, 23th until september 7th.
He will perform as a duo with ß-seed during the first week-end.
...installation...august 2002
ß-seed composed an electronic piece for cling-film's wagons' installation in Bruges (B).
This installation is running from the 9th august until september. Please check cling-film's web site for more information.
...cdwhon007...may 2002
...cdwhon008...may 2002
Lionel Marchetti's RISS (l'avalanche) and Seth Nehil & John Grzinich 's stria are now available!
stria 's counterpart CD, confluence, will be released on Intransitive Recordings.
...cdwhon005...january 2002
recordings of Pierre Berthet's "un haut-parleur prolongé" project have just been done. It should be released in 2003.
2001' news
...cdwhon008...july 2001
erewhon will release stria, one part of John Grzinich and Seth Nehil's double CD project.
The CD should be available in the first quarter of 2002.
...cdwhon007...june 2001
Lionel Marchetti's short piece entitled "RISS (l'avalanche)" will be released by erewhon as a mini CD probably in the 1st quarter of 2002.
...live...march 2001
ß-seed is invited at La médiathèque, in Liège,
the 9th of march. He will do 2 mix-sets and 2 live performances.
sRg and Plan-net panic will perform at magasin4, Brussels, the 10th of march,
during the "Turtle Dream" festival.
Dominique D. will be responsible of some visual aspects of that night.
During the contemporary music festival ars musica, Pierre Berthet and Frédéric Le Junter
will play in Liège, at Les Brasseurs, the 17th and 22nd of march.
For more informations, contact the C.R.F.M.W.
2000' news
...live...october 2000
| Pierre Berthet's performances schedule - un haut-parleur prolongé
Oct 26 - concert at Les Instants Chavirés - Montreuil - F
Nov 10&11 - installation at Les Halles de Schaerbeek for acousticon - Brussels - B
Note that Artificial Memory Trace will also be there.
Nov 17 - concert at Plateau - Brussels - B
...cdwhon002...october 2000
...cdwhon006...october 2000
mnortham's :coyot: and Artificial Memory Trace/PBK 'transphere 1997-1999' are now available!
...mp3...october 2000
For the release of his CD in collaboration with PBK, Artificial Memory Trace offers you some mp3.
...live...september 2000
| mnortham's 'a slow red - circulating green' european tour (rough plan)
Oct 23 solo performance before Morphogensis, Boddington Centre (Adams CLUB), Vauxhall, London - UK
Oct 26 extrasensory festival, performance with Michael Prime, 291 Gallery, 291 Hackney Road, London E2 - UK
Oct 27 performance with Michael Prime, Project Arts Centre, 39 East Essex Street, Dublin 2 - Ireland
Nov 3&4 solo installation 'entering molecular streams' at the Observatori 2000 festival, Valencia, spain
Nov 17 solo performance, Il Cantiere di Via Gustavo Modena, Via Gustavo Modena 92 (Trastevere), Roma - Italy
Nov 28 - Dec 2 solo performances, Innsbruck & Linz, Austria T.B.A.
Dec 4&5 solo performance and DJing Rhiz, U-Bahnbogen 37, (Lerchenfeldergrtel), 1080, Wien - Austria
...mp3...august 2000
sRg, Plan-net Panic and ß-seed uploaded new mp3.
...cdwhon002...august 2000
...cdwhon006...august 2000
mnortham's :coyot: and Artificial Memory Trace/PBK collaboration are almost finished.
These releases should be available mid-september.
...live...july 2000
Artificial Memory Trace is performing "Orgenviron" at the
International Festival of Sound Art "Humor y Aliento"
in Mexico-City, Ex Teresa Arte Actual, the 1st july.
...live...may 2000
ß-seed will perform in Liège (B) @ L'escalier (and not at planete) the 27th of may
for the second "dark and pulse" event.
For more information, contact djlo.
...cdwhon006...march 2000
We received mnortham's final version of :coyot:, his future release on erewhon.
We are now working on the packaging, be patient...
...live...march 2000
ß-seed will perform in Bruges (B) as support act for Mikael Stavöstrand, the 11th of march.
For more information, check the flyer or contact cling-film.
...live/exhibition...march 2000
sRg and ß-seed will mix at Dominique D.' picture exhibition preview the 9th of march at Galerie le Parc, Liège (B), 20pm.
...ers...feb 2000
Artificial Memory Trace and Girospace are present on E.R.S.' lock groove project
Check E.R.S.' website
...mp3...feb 2000
sRg is very proud to present his last composition titled pb16
...mp3...jan 2000
Plan-net panic first mp3 - fire house - now online
1999' news
...live...dec 99
Artificial Memory Trace will perform in Grenoble (F) the 3rd december 1999
...cdwhon006...nov 99
We are very proud to announce mnortham's future CD on erewhon
...cdwhon003...oct 99
This project is cancelled
...mp3...oct 99
You can now listen to girospace and ß-seed
...cdwhon002...oct 99
Artificial Memory Trace has just received PBK's final sound material
This was their last exchange before finalization of the project
...web...sept 99
erewhon's official web site is now on line...